It is involved in respiration process. During respiratory process body uses oxygen to convert larger molecules into smaller one to get energy.  Vitamin B1 helps in respiration of carbohydrates into glucose. In this process energy is produced. This energy is used by the body to perform different tasks. Vitamin B1 is also necessary for signal transmission within body to deliver message to the brain cell and then back to organs. So this member of family is involved in two processes:

  • conversion of carbohydrate into glucose to produce energy
  • signal transmission through nerves

Source and Foods

Vitamin B1 is a water soluble vitamin. It is naturally present in many foods. If person is taking these foods in the diet then it is not needed to take supplements. Here is a list of foods in which it is present.

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Whole grains
  • Pork
  • Beans
  • Green peas
  • Enriched cereals
  • Bread
  • Noodles
  • Rice
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Nuts
  • Yogurt
  • Fortifies breakfast cereals

Body Requirement

It is necessary to include its recommended amount in the diet on daily basis because only a small portion is stored in the liver.  The daily requirement of body depends on age and sex. Here is a table for recommended amount for body on daily basis:

Age Amount
0-6 moths 0.2 mg
7-12 months 0.3 mg
1-3 years 0.5 mg
4-8 years 0.6 mg
9-13 years 0.9 mg
14-18 years Male : 1.2 mg
Female : 1.0 mg
Pregnant: 1.4 mgbreastfeeding: 1.4 mg
19-50 years Male : 1.2 mg
Female : 1.1 mg
Pregnant and breastfeeding: 1.4 mg
Above 50 years Male : 1.2 mg
Female : 1.1 mg

Deficiency Symptoms

Its deficiency can be identified by following signs and symptoms:

  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Heart issues
  • Lowered immunity
  • Weight loss

Medical Conditions

If body is not having enough supply of this vitamin as recommended then it may raise many health issues. Here are some conditions which are caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B1.

Dry Berberi

This is a brain abnormality which is developed when body is not getting enough supply of vitamin B1. in this condition patients have sensation of prickling in toes. He feels like someone is prickling needles or pins in toes. It can also be identified by the sensation of burning in feet especially during late hours. It is also characterized by cramps and pain in legs. During this disease muscles also becomes week. If precautionary measures are not taken to prevent the deficiency then it also starts to affects hands and arms.

Wet Beriberi

This is heart abnormality which is developed by in sufficient supply of Vitamin B1. In this condition heart starts to pump more blood and its beating also increases. Due to increased pumping and beating of heart blood vessels also dilates resulting in moist and warm skin. Body develops a condition called edema in which body fluids flows out of vessels and accumulates in legs or lungs.  This is not normal for heart to continue with this condition for longer period of time and results in heart failure.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

This is a brain abnormality which is developed by insufficient supply of Vitamin B1. It is mostly developed by the people who are alcohol users. Most of the time it is present without showing any symptoms but once they take more alcohol or provided with carbohydrates its symptoms starts to appear and it gets worsen.

During this condition person gets confuse, he experience difficulty in walking, and may develop issues related to eye health like involuntary eye movements or paralysis. So it is suggested that do not provide an alcohol user with any treatment that have carbohydrates as part of its content.

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