Definition of depression

Depression is depressive disorder in which a person losses interest in activities which were previously interesting for them. It also involves lack of pleasure for longer period of time in any of the activity. The feeling of sadness remain in person and they do not feel satisfied.


It is not like normal mood swing but feeling of loss and sadness remain for longer period of time. It is not necessary that it will happen to specific person but it can happen to anyone at any age. Its severity changes from simple lack of interest to complete lost meaning of life. In severe cases it may lead to suicide attempt.

Some of the most common causes of depression includes stress full events, lived in abusive environment for longer period, emotional trauma etc.

Common signs of depression

There are some signs and symptoms to identify if you are suffering from depression.

  1.  Feeling of emptiness, lack of interest or sadness remains for longer period of time. It may be for sometime during day, then for a day and then for a week and so on.
  2. There is notable change in apatite. Most of the time a depressed person lost his appetite. But in rare cases he starts to eat more than usual.
  3. Person losses power of concentration. He can’t concentrate on things and matters. His thoughts diverts frequently from one thing to another.
  4. A person suffering from depression develops a sense of guilt. He starts to blame himself for things. He feels guilty for everything and he perceives himself as worthless and useless person.
  5. His sleeping patterns changes as well. He may suffer from insomnia or may have more sleep than normal.
  6. He feels hopeless about his present and future. He doesn’t find any hope in future.
  7. He may think about dying and suicide.
  8. His feels less energetic throughout the day. There is persistent tiredness and fatigue. And this tiredness doesn’t go away by taking rest or sleep.

Identification of depression

It is very important to identify the depression. Once you will identify that you are suffering from this mental disorder than you will be able to seek professional help and treatment. In this regard self-awareness is very important. One must know about the symptoms of depression. When you have any symptoms given above then go for further diagnosis.

Mental health experts use different criteria and test for its diagnoses. They have questionnaires, and other test for diagnosis.

Depression among women

Depression is most common among women than men. About 50% women are diagnosed with this mental disorder. Most of the women suffer from depression during pregnancy, periods and after giving birth to child. Some of them also suffer during child care as well.

1.     Depression during Pregnancy

It is estimated that if a pregnant women feels sad, irritable or tired for some time then it is normal. But if this hopelessness, sadness remains for longer time, for instance, a day, a week then it is not normal. She may be suffering from depression.

There are many causes of depression during pregnancy. One of the most common is hormonal changes. As body goes through many hormonal changes which cause physiological as well as psychological changes in women. They may cause depression.

There are social and family causes too in development of depression during pregnancy. She may feel insecure about child or afraid of taking responsibility of child may lead to depression. Financial issues also play vital role in this regard.

2.     Depression during Periods

Some girls experience depression or feeling of lost before start of their monthly menstrual cycle. It starts usually 2-3 days before their regular periods and as menstruation starts they start to feel normal.

This is again because of hormonal changes that occur during periods inside the body of girl. With the help of family and proper consultation one can overcome this depression.

3.     Postpartum Depression

As baby is born it develops lots of emotions in the new mother. Some of them are emotions of joy, excitement but some are anxiety and fear as well. If these emotions lasts for more than a week after birth than it arises a more severe condition known as postpartum depression, which is also known as depression after birth of baby.

Mostly it is due to complications arising during pregnancy and birth process.  It is intense              depression in which new mother finds herself unable to take care of baby and herself. In more severe conditions she tries to harm baby and herself as well.

In this regard help of partner, family and friends is very important. Person who is suffering from depression cannot identify that she is having depression but if you find symptoms in her then consult a psychologist or specialist for treatment before it gets severe.

Effects of depression

Depression is a serious mental disorder which impacts daily life from routine simple work to work life. Here we will provide you a brief impact of depression on functioning of routine work

1. Daily life

First thing that gets affected by depression is daily life. One who is suffering from depression finds himself unable to concentrate on things. So he can’t finish his daily tasks like cleaning, brushing and looking after himself.

It also impacts social life. He can’t enjoy the company of others he finds himself unable to talk to them or have healthy conversations. His relationships also suffer from his depression.

2. Brain

It also affects brain activities. His concentration, reasoning and memory get effected by his mood and persistent sadness. He finds himself unable to remember thing so it also affects his decision making ability. Due to it his brain cells also gets affected.

3. Body

 One suffering from this order continues to feel tired and fatigued. His sleep patterns changes and he has disturbed sleep as well. He may suffer from insomnia or have more sleep. But after taking sleep he still finds himself tired and fatigued.

Overall energy level lower down and as a result his physical health also gets affected. He loses his stamina of physical work and feels more tired. He feels pains and aches in his body while doing any physical work.

4. on pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy effects mother as well as development of fetus. She may give birth to pre mature baby or may suffer from postpartum depression.

5. Breast feeding

Depression also effects breastfeeding of baby after his birth. If mother is suffering from depression she finds herself unable to feed her baby. She doesn’t care about the health of baby and herself as well.

If she is taking antidepressants then it also have effect on milk of breast. There must be a balance while using antidepressants. Family support, proper nutrition and rest can make her feel better.

6. Behavior

Behavioral changes also occur while having depression. Lack of interest in activities makes him to withdraw from social activities. His interpersonal relationships also get effected due to his behavior. In some cases person starts to take abusive substances. He finds himself unable to take work responsibilities as well.

7. Body weight

As described earlier that eating habits of depressed person changes. He may loss interest in eating or may start to eat unhealthy food as well. As a result he starts to lose weight. In some cases he starts to eat more which cause abrupt weight gain. His metabolism gets disturbed in both conditions.

Treatment of depression

Treatment of this mental disorder is very important.  In most of developing countries people do not take mental illness seriously and don’t seek help from professionals. So there is high rate of people affected from it.

Proper help and treatment is crucial to overcome depression. Psychotherapies and medication are suggested by the professionals helps the person to recover.

Change in life style like engaging oneself in exercises, meditation and yoga also helps in improvement of health. Balance diet, weight and sleep management also make person mentally as well as physically healthier.

Family and friends play very crucial role in identification of depression. They can motivate as well as encourage a person to seek professional help. They can also help in becoming normal person again.


It is normal to have a mental illness as it is normal to have physical illness. There is a need especially in developing countries and middle class to address these mental issues to promote a healthy lifestyle among society. Early identification and treatment plays vital role in the mental health of a person. Seeking professional help is best way to cope with these mental challenges. A mentally well person lives a happier, healthier and satisfied life.


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