It is getting difficult in modern era to build a healthy and strong relationship. The main difficulty in maintaining a relation arises because people spend more time with electronic gadgets like mobiles and internet than with people. In this modern era working on relation is becoming more important than ever. You need to work on every relationship whether it is romantic relationship, a friendship, family bond or professional relation. It is of vital importance to maintain your relationships and nourish them to have a healthy life style.
Relationship is not a one sided affair but participation from both parties is complementary to nourish any relation. If only one side is trying to nourish the relation then it becomes difficult to maintain a healthy bond. The real happiness of any relationship only comes when both partners invest their efforts in relation.
In this article we are going to explore some effective strategies which are helpful in maintaining relationships. We will provide you with deep insight of how you can make your relationships strong.
1. Communication
In any relationship whether it is professional or personal, communication is key factor which will determine the health of your relationship.
1. Listen attentively
First step in communication is to listen carefully what other person is saying. You need to listen what your partner is saying. You have to pay attention to their words. Don’t try to interrupt them when they are saying something. If anything comes in your mind then let them finish first then you may speak. It will give them confidence that you are attentively listening to their problems.
2. Express Yourself
It is important for a person to state his self, his thought, his opinions, his feelings and emotion clearly and respectfully to other person. When other partner will know your emotions and feeling then he will better understand you and will give you respect accordingly. You need to discuss all your liking and disliking’s with your partner.
3. Non- Verbal Cues
When we are discussing about communication then it is mandatory to discuss non-verbal cues as well. These non-verbal cues include body language, voice tone, and facial expressions which are also very important in the communication. These non-verbal cues play important role in understanding the thought of other. They are more effective in understating the thought, feelings and emotions of your partner.
There are some emotions which a person cannot explain with words but they’re actually expressed with body language. So during these times it becomes more essential to understand these non-verbal cues of your partner.
2. Spend Time Together
The second most important factor which strengthens the relationship between two people is spending time together. When two people spend some quality time together then they will better understand each other. And in this way their bond gets stronger.
1. Pre-planned Trips
It is essential for any relationship to nourish is to spend time together. In this regard they are needed to plan trips, lunch or dinner together. They are needed to spend time regularly together to strengthen the bond.
2. Common Interest
When planning trips it is essential to keep in mind the common interest and hobbies. You need to find common hobbies like fishing, hiking or watching movie which are pleasurable for both partners. If only one person likes these activities then it will become difficult for other person to keep up with him. So while planning trips always keep in mind that what other person likes too.
3. Unplugged Moments
When spending time together try to spend time with each other rather than with electronic gadgets. You must turn off mobiles or keep them silent so that they will not disturb the quality of time.
3. Appreciation
While working on any relation you understand the importance of appreciation and gratitude. Appreciation is a key factor to make your partner happy and satisfied. Your need to make your partner realized that how much important is your partner and relation is for you. One must make his partner realized that what place his partner is holding in his heart and soul. One must show gratitude towards his partner.
1. Daily Gratitude
If you want to stay in healthy relation for long period of time then you must appreciate your partner. If they do anything good for you then show your gratitude with saying “thank you” regularly. It will make your partner happy and contended so they will make more efforts to build a strong bond with you.
2. Small Gestures
There are small gestures like bringing a flower or chocolate which have greater impact on relation. They show your gratitude and thankfulness towards your partner. These small gestures of gratitude will provide them with positive energy and will make your partner satisfied.
3. Acknowledgment
It is important to give value and impotence to each other’s efforts to build a relation. When you will recognize your partner effort and show your gratitude it will boost their energy and give them happiness and they will bring more efforts to make relation beautiful.
4. Conflict Resolving
When two people are having a relation then it is also part of relation to have conflicts. This is up to you that how you are going to resolve conflicts.
1. Calmness
It is crucial to stay calm in conflict building situations. One must know how to manage his emotion specially anger in the time of conflict and disagreement. While having conflict one can think about the good deeds of partner that will help you to stay calm.
2. Problem Solving
When a conflict or disagreement arises then it is the need of hour to solve that conflict constructively rather that blaming each other. Blame only brings more disagreement and conflicts get stronger. So it is necessary to focus on how to solve problem rather than creating a mess out of problem.
3. Compromise
It is very normal to have conflicts in a relation but important point is to respect opinion of each other. Try to find out a solution which is acceptable for both partner rather than making decision rationally. You need to find a middle ground to solve the problem.
5. Trust and Honesty
Trust and honesty is the base of any relationship. If you are honest and have trust on your partner than you can built a strong bond.
1. Honesty
Honesty is the base of any relationship. If there is honesty and trust in your relation than you will be able to build a stronger bond. Honesty is always the best policy to keep relations healthy. There must not be any secret or hidden truth in any relation. These secrets and hidden truth destroy the relationship when revealed. So try to make your relation transparent.
2. Consistency
As it goes that slow and steady wins the race. In the same manner when you are consistently and steadily try to build a relation on strong base of trust and honesty then you can achieve the goal. This consistency will help you to strengthen the relation.
3. Forgiveness
When we are talking about building a relation on stronger basis then it is of vital importance to forgive mistakes of each other. It is not just letting go the mistakes but it is also important to let go of grudges and keep faith on your partner that he is sincere with you. It is also necessary to forgive each other’s mistake and work together on how to not repeat these mistakes in future.
6. Personal Growth and Support
It is need of every person to have personal space. So when building a relation one must not interfere with personal space of his partner.
1. Encouragement
When we are saying personal space it means not to create hindrance in growth of your partner. One must not inhibit his partner from making careers and fulfill his goals. You need to provide support as much as you can to fulfill goals and aims of your partner. Every person have his personal aims and goals for life so when you are building a bond on healthy ground then you must provide support for growth of you partner whether it is personal growth or career goals.
2. Self-Care
When you are building a relation then it is not just about your partner but caring about your own feelings, emotions and growth as well. While you want to build a stronger bond on stronger grounds then you must nourish your own self as well. While working on growth of your partner then also work on your individuality as well.
3. Mutual Respect
When both partner respect each other’s individuality then it will be helpful for a relation. One must respect feelings, emotions and individuality of his partner. Both partners should work on their own individual as well as mutual goals. In this regard support of partner paly very constructive role.
We can conclude that a healthy relationship is a relation in which both partner communicate and discuss their problems without hesitation. They spend quality time together to make their bond stronger. They provide support to the partner while working on his personal growth as well. The relation must be transparent and should solve their conflicts constructively and not hold grudges for each other.