Reasons of Caesarean ( C- Section )

It is a process in which lower belly and uterus is cut to take out the baby.  Without going through natural birth process or labor. Here we are going to discuss some common reasons for caesarean section. Most of the times it is an emergency procedure but some time it is planned as well.

1.    Labor pain in not progressing normally

At time labor pain is not progressing normally. It may be hyper intensive or very slow and taking more time than naturally it should take. If doctor advise then it is necessary to go for caesarean. It gets risky for mother as well as child if this condition arises.

2.    Placenta  breaks down

Due to high blood pressure or some other reason placenta breaks down partially or completely. When it breaks the bridge that connects mother with fetus also breaks. This is a severe condition which requires immediate surgery as fetus survival depends on placenta. In most condition if surgery delayed for few hours results in death of fetus inside womb. It can easily identified able as excessive bleeding starts when it breaks.

3.    Position of baby is not Normal

This is a common reason of caesarean. At times position of baby is not normal i.e. head is not in uterus. Some times its feet inside the uterus or baby is sidewise. In both conditions to give normal vaginal birth is difficult or not possible. Massage helps to position baby rightly but once labor starts it becomes difficult to reposition baby inside uterus. In this case caesarean becomes necessary.

4.    Water bag leaks or not sufficient water for baby

There is sac filled with water and other vital materials. Fetus takes organic material as excrete in this sac. At times without proper start of labor this sac raptures and results in heavy discharge of water through vagina. This is condition in which labor do not starts and life of fetus gets at risk. In such situation doctors try to safe life of fetus so they recommend c- section. This is also unplanned and emergency situation in which surgery becomes vital.

5.    There are more than One baby

It is difficult for a mother to deliver more than one baby through vaginal birth. When there are duplet, triplet or more babies then it is recommended that go for caesarean section. This is planned surgery. In this condition gynecologist regularly keep track of their development and when they becomes mature enough they suggest surgery to take them out through cut rather than vagina.

6.    Baby passes the meconium in womb

Usually baby waits for birth to pass their first poop. But in some cases during prolonged labor baby passes meconium inside womb and it gets mixes with amniotic fluid.  This is harmful for both mother and baby. It raises serious medical attention. In this condition doctor goes for surgery. This is also unplanned and emergency condition.

7.    Gestation period exceeds 40 weeks

Gestation period is time period during which fertilized egg remain inside mother womb until it becomes baby and ready to get into the world. Normally in humans it is of about 40 week. It is safe to give birth between 36-40 weeks. Naturally labor can start anytime from36 week to 40. But in some cases natural labor does not start even after 40 weeks. It becomes dangerous for baby to stay in womb after this time period. In such cases labor can be induced but if unsuccessful doctors goes for surgery as it is risky and arises many health issues for baby after birth.

8.    Size of The baby

Size of baby is another important factor that d3termines the planned or unplanned caesarean. In some cases size of the baby is larger than the size of the uterus. In such condition baby is unable to pass through uterus even after the labor. In this case size of uterus is pre measured. So with the help of doctor mother can plan when to have baby with cut without going through labor.

9.    Abnormal heart rate of fetus

During last month of pregnancy it is advised to check movements of child regularly. If movement is not normal then immediately go to your hospital. They will check heart rate of the child. If any irregularity is observed then doctor may suggest cut uterus to take out baby without labor as it is an emergency.

10. Cervix is blocked by Placenta

At times placenta develop at the opening of cervix during pregnancy. This condition is known as placenta previa. With normal labor it is not possible to give birth in this condition. So gynecologist advises the mother to go for Caesarean. It is pre planned.

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