Introduction to Facial Hair in Women

One of the most common problem women are experiencing nowadays is unwanted facial hairs. Although there are hair on face but these hair becomes thick and more visible.  Mostly they start to appear in chin areas like beard in men. It affects overall appearance of women and have social stigma. Here we are going to discuss some of its causes and safe ways to remove them.

Causes of Facial Hair in Women

There are many reasons which cause facial hair to grow in women and become thick and visible. Here we are going to provide you details of this cause among women.

Facial hair in women

Hormonal Imbalance And Facial Hair in Women

There are many reasons for facial hair growth one of them is imbalance in hormones production.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

In women a condition arise called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).  During this disorder women have irregular menstrual cycle. They develop fluid filled sacs around the ovary. These sacs stop the release of egg and don’t let the ovary to mature eggs. So they miss their regular menstrual cycle. It also causes to release of male hormone named androgen. This hormone is responsible for growth of hair in men. When the level of this hormone increases in women they also start to grow facial hair like men. This condition mostly arises when girls have their first periods.


Another condition known as menopause may also cause facial hair in women to grow. When menstrual cycle stops in women after 45-50 years of age may also lead to growth of hair on face. During menopause circulation of estrogen which is responsible for secondary growth in women also stops. As estrogen circulation stops the level of testosterone increases in blood. Testosterone is responsible for secondary growth in men. Due to increase level of this hormone may result in facial hair in women.

Thyroid Function

Thyroid gland, a small but mighty gland situated in the neck has many regulating functions such as growth of hairs. When it is hyperactive, a condition known as hyperthyroidism arises and  the production of androgen hormone increase which results in facial hair in women.


Genetics is also important while mentioning the causes of facial hair in women. Genes have the plan according to which a person is going to grow in life. So genes have very powerful and impacting role for person’s overall look. If ancestors are having facial hair then there is more chance that these affected genes will be transferred to children and they will also experience facial hair.


There are a few treatment and medicines which have negative effects on body. These effects may include facial hair in women as negative effect.  Steroids which are used to develop muscles can increase male hormones in female which will lead to abnormal facial hair in women.

It is important to mention here that nowadays boiler chickens are also causing facial hair growth and imbalance in hormones production. To increase the size of boiler chicken and them grow within 40 days, they are injected with steroids. When these chickens are eaten they cause imbalance in hormones production causing facial hair in women.

Facial Hair Removal Methods

 Temporary Solutions

1.     Shaving

This is easy and painless method to remove unwanted hairs. In this method razor is used to remove facial hair in women. It simply cut the hairs from base with help of sharp blade. But it will temporary remove the hairs. After 3-4 days hairs will grow back and their thickness will also increase. One should avoid this method as it will cause thickness of hairs.

2.     Threading

threading to remove facial hair

Threading is very common method among women to remove unwanted hairs from face. It is painful and temporary as well.  It is better option than shaving as hair will take 15-20 days to grow back. With the use of threads hairs are pluck from the roots. Hair will not get thick by this method but it takes more time than shaving.

3.     Waxing


Waxing is a popular yet painful method of removing hairs. It is also temporary method for hair removal. In this method wax is used to remove hairs from unwanted areas. It also plucks hair from the root so 15-20 days are required for hairs to grow back. It takes less time than threading but it is a painful way of removing hairs.

4.     Hair Removal Cream

It is easiest method among hair removal methods as it is neither painful nor time consuming. In this method you just simply apply hair removing cream on the area and after 5-10 minutes you to remove it. And hairs strands gets weak and easily removed from skin.  But its lasting is not long. It may take 5-8 days and hairs will grow back. It is precautionary to apply cream on smaller area before applying to face or sensitive areas to check whether you are having allergic effects or not.

Permanent Solution

1.     Laser

This is a medical procedure to remove unwanted facial hairs in women from face and other parts. In this method concentrated beam of light is used to remove unwanted hairs. In this procedure light beam is absorbed by the hairs and it damages hair follicles and when they are damaged hair will not grow again for some time.  

To remove these hairs for longer time it is necessary to take proper sessions after suggested time to remove them permanently. It is effected for all hair types. As it is medical procedure sensitivity of skin to laser beam must be check.

2.     Electrolysis

This is a medical procedure and performed by the trained dermatologist or technician. This method is performed with special electrolysis device. This is inserted into center of hair root and it damages the hair root permanently. So the hair gets weaker and fells down and will not grow back in this way. This is painless method.

Home Remedies

Home remedies are also important in this regard. For example turmeric paste and gram flour are used to remove unwanted hairs from face for some time. Although these remedies are not much effective and have limited effects but are easy to use.


In short we can say that facial hairs have psychological as well as physiological effects.  They have stronger impact on the overall personality and self-esteem of a woman. There are methods to get rid of these unwanted hairs from face. By using them one can get her confidence back and get stronger emotionally as well.

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