What is Diabetes?
When level of sugar rises above the normal range, it is called as diabetes. Insulin is sugar controlling hormone. This hormone is produces and secreted by the pancreas. This specific insulin changes blood sugar into usable energy. When this hormone is not produced or not functioning properly then it causes high level of sugar in the blood. When sugar level rises in the blood it causes many health issues.
Types of Diabetes
We have divided the diabetes into 3 common types. These are called as type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a form of diabetes where the immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells. Due to the destruction of insulin-producing cells, the pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin. Due to insufficient r no insulin produced blood sugar level increases.
This type on diabetes usually developed in early age. It is mostly diagnosed in children and in early adulthood. But these are still chance to develop it during any age. People suffering from this type are needed to inject insulin regularly to survive. They need to take artificially produced insulin for whole life.
Type 2 diabetes
This type of diabetes is metabolic disorder. In this condition pancreases is making insulin but it may be not enough to convert glucose into usable energy. It is also possible that insulin is not functioning properly in the body. It is more common than type 1 of diabetes.
This type of diabetes can be developed during any age. There are many factors that contribute to developing of this type 2. Some common reasons of developing type 2 diabetes are genetic factors, overweight or poor diet.
Gestational diabetes
There are some women in which this disease develops during pregnancy. It remains throughout the pregnancy. They are needed to take insulin artificially. But as soon as baby is born it goes away without any treatment. This type is known as gestational diabetes. It is also categorized in type 2.
It is important to mention that there is more chance of developing this disease later in life.
Symptoms of Diabetes
There are some common signs and symptoms through which it can be identified. It is always to take proper test to confirm it.
1. Frequent urination
When level of sugar increases in the blood, it puts more pressure on kidneys. They need to filter urine again and again to absorb maximum sugar from it. This increases filtration puts pressure on bladder. In turn people suffering from it needs to urinate more often than normal person.
2. Hunger after short intervals
People suffering from this disease often feel like their stomach is empty. Their apatite increases. They want to eat anything after short period of time. The reason behind this frequent hunger is that glucose is not converted into energy so stomach triggers the hunger to get food and energy.
3. Excessive thirst
As kidneys are filtering more urine so body get dehydrated. Due to this decrease level of water in the body, it needs more water. People suffering from this disease often fells dried up mouth. Their need of drinking water also increases. In turn it also increases the urination.
4. Extreme fatigue
The main source of energy in the body is glucose. When insulin is not enough to convert glucose into energy then it results in low energy level. When a person has low energy level it means that he will feel tired and fatigued. This fatigue remains as long as diabetes is not treated.
5. Unexplained weight loss
One of the most common sign of this disease is weight loss. When body is unable to convert glucose to usable energy then it results in lower level of energy. Body needs energy to carry out all the system and metabolism. Body gets this energy to fulfill its needs from muscles and stored fats. When muscles and fats are broken to obtained energy it results in decrease weight. A person suffering from this disease often experience weight loss.
6. Blurred vision
This disease often effects vision. When level of sugar increases in the blood it often causes blurred vision. This happens because increased sugar levels pull the fluid from lenses as well. When this happens it results in blurry vision. Diabetes also has long term effects on the overall eye health.
7. Slow-healing sores or infections
This is very commonly observed sign of diabetes. If a person who is having this medical condition gets a wound or injury. It takes longer time to heal that wound. In severe cases it doesn’t heat at all. The reason is that it disrupts the natural ability of body to heal wounds.
Symptoms in Women
Women often experience some additional sign of diabetes as well. These common signs are as follows
8. Frequent Vaginal Infection
Women often get more vaginal infections when they are suffering from diabetes. When level of sugar increases in the blood, kidney can’t filter all the sugar from blood. Patients suffering from this disease losses body sugar through urine. This sugar is present inside vagina of women. This sugary environment provides yeast and other bacteria to grow better. These yeast and bacteria causes infection in vagina. So women who are having this medical condition are likely to develop vaginal infections more frequently.
9. Urinary Track Infections
When sugar level increases in the blood and is not successfully converted into usable energy then this sugar gets out from the body through urinary track. The presence of sugar in urinary track and urine increases the risk of infections. Sugar supports the growth of bacteria. These bacteria in turn cause infection in urinary track.
10.Complications during Pregnancy
There is a higher risk of gestational diabetes in women who has type 2 diabetes. It also causes complications during pregnancy and it also affects the delivery process. Sometimes it also causes preeclampsia.
It is recommended to properly check your blood sugar if you’re having any sign and symptoms. In type 2 there are effective methods to control it. It is needed to be properly managed. Proper management helps to reduce chances of damaging other organs. If it remains for longer period of time then it starts to affect other organs. It affects the eyes, kidneys, heart and feet.